Move day magic – ensuring our clients get quickly settled into their new homes 

It’s common for us to support clients for months leading up to a house move – we ensure the moving parts and people come together effectively to make the relocation happen. The culmination of this is ‘move day’. It’s a phrase that has become synonymous with stress for many movers. This doesn’t need to be the case – working with a Senior Move Manager on move day can turn an exhausting and overwhelming day into an exciting and joyful milestone.

We use our years of experience of relocation support to streamline our clients move days – bypassing all the unnecessary hassle and getting the customer moved in and settled as quickly as possible. For our Senior Move Managers, this means bringing all sorts of supplies with them to each move to solve common ‘just moved in’ problems and speed up the day.  

Client safety is our priority 

A pair of pliers is never too far out of reach for our Senior Move Managers. A common move day task is customising shelving heights in kitchen cupboards, wardrobes, and bookshelves to be better suited to our clients’ needs. 

We assess the best way to organise the customers new space when floor planning so that their home is safe and accessible. This work is continued on move day – making sure kitchen cupboards are unpacked sensibly so that the contents aren’t hard to reach, for example. 

Colour coding cables with stickers to match cable to input helps to set up televisions and WIFI boxes quickly, whilst using Velcro to group cables together tidily prevents dangerous trips and falls.

Keeping up the momentum with a smile

Having friendly support on hand to guide clients through the hustle and bustle of move day can be the difference between a positive or negative start to their new life chapter. We always arrive with “a sense of humour and tons of patience” for the day ahead. Some customers like to leave all the unpacking to us, whilst others prefer to help – one of our move managers told us they bring two box cutters with them; “my clients always want to have a go at opening boxes.”

Little tools can make the biggest difference – the trusty door wedge is something never forgotten. We often carry a kettle in the car boot – to make a cuppa for the client whilst their kitchen is still packed away in boxes. A packet of biscuits on hand for the removal team is never a bad idea either!

Leaving the client comfortable and prepared

It’s an absolute priority that we leave clients feeling well settled and comfortable at the completion of a move. 

Post-It notes are an invaluable resource; by labelling each kitchen cupboard with its contents we can help our clients familiarise themselves with their new environment with greater ease.  

We will prioritise unpacking the kitchen and bedrooms first, so that our clients have immediate access to all their basic amenities and can have a hot meal and a good night’s sleep on that first night in their new home. 

Once we have sensitively unpacked to the client’s satisfaction, we finish off move day by removing all empty boxes, packaging, and waste, helping ensure the new home is inviting, safe and free of clutter.

Recent happy clients who benefitted from move day support -

Excellent and invaluable service. Efficient, knowledgeable, and organised managers who took a lot off our hands to ensure a seamless move. Happy to recommend this service to anybody, senior or not!’ Ms W – South East

‘Amanda was a very, very great help to me in my move. The help was very much appreciated indeed’ Mr P - North West


Supporting our clients across Yorkshire


Helen Hickey