Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions herein explain your rights, obligations and responsibilities, and those of TSMP Relocation Ltd”. Where we use the word ‘you’ or ‘your’ it means the customer; ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ or ‘TSMP’ means “The Senior Move Partnership Ltd” – Amendments are only valid with our specific written agreement.

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(a) These Terms and Conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and any disputes relating to these terms will be subject to the[non-]exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

(b) The information contained in any report or proposal provided by TSMP is for the attention of the addressee only. Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes other than in your negotiations or relationship with TSMP or disclose its contents to any other person other than your own employees.

(c) Prior to any work being undertaken by any employee or representative of TSMP, you must have signed your acceptance of these Terms & Conditions.

2.Our Quotation

Our quotation is a fixed price. It does not include fees foradditional services not listed.

We may change the price or make additional charges if any ofthe following have not been taken into account when preparingour quotation and confirmed by us in writing:

(a) You do not accept it in writing within 28 days with a firmdate to which we agree in writing.

(b) By your delay, the work is not carried out or completed within three months.

(c) You require additional services or time to be spent managing your requirements. In this case, any additional fees will be agreed with you prior to commencing extra work and added to your total invoice (these conditions apply to such work).

(d) There are delays or events outside of our reasonable control.

In all these circumstances, you will pay the adjusted charges.


(a) Our fees for each service, as described to you, are for payment in full prior to commencement of service.

(b) Prior to undertaking any project, TSMP clearly establishes the parameters of the work involved and will confirm the fee required.

(c) A 25% handling fee will be charged on any payments made on behalf of the client i.e. cleaning, disposal fees etc.

(d) Fees are subject to VAT at the standard prevailing rate.

(e) Once instructions are received for a particular service, TSMP will provide this service and will charge accordingly.

(f) Prices may be subject to change, according to the needs of the individual, the complexities of the process undertaken and the amount of time required.

4.Cancellation / Postponement Charges

If you postpone or cancel this contract, we will charge you according to the number of hours of work that have already been completed. In addition, if you cancel this contract within 5-10 days of the agreed commencement date, we will charge you 50% of the quoted price. If you cancel 2-5 days before the agreed commencement date, we will charge you 75% of the quoted price. Cancellation within 24 hours of the agreed commencement date is charged at 100% of the quoted price.

5.Sub-Contract Rights

We reserve the right to sub-contract some or all of the work. If we sub-contract, then these conditions still apply.

6.Provision Of Services

(a) The employees and agents acting on behalf of TSMP will conduct themselves at all times with integrity, professionalism and honesty.

(b) Information in any report and any details provided by TSMP are prepared in good faith and are solely for the guidance of the client and the client company.

(c) Information provided by TSMP do not form any part of a contract relating to the sale or letting of a property or any other service.

(d) Clients must satisfy themselves as to the correctness and accuracy of any details provided by TSMP, by inspection or otherwise, and not rely on them as statements of fact.

(e) No person and/or agent in the employ of TSMP has the authority to offer, make, or give any warranty whatsoever in relation to any property and/or service.

(f) TSMP recommends all clients to employ the services of solicitors, surveyors and other specialists to ensure that the property is sound and is without onerous restrictions, defects and covenants, before entering into any agreement or commitment to purchase.

(g) TSMP are informed and experienced laypersons but not members of the legal profession. As such:

i. TSMP recommends that clients and their employees seek independent legal advice on any matters they do not understand fully.

ii. All legal documents must be read and the obligations fully understood by the person/s signing them.

iii. TSMP cannot accept any responsibility for loss suffered due to the signing of any agreements or documents..

(h) TSMP will make as many of the necessary enquiries regarding any of our services as we are able to do subject to restrictions imposed by the Data Protection Act 1998.

(i) If we have agreed to archive or store any materials for you, we cannot be held liable for loss, theft or damage to such materials.

7.Our Liabilities

(a) You agree that we cannot give you any warranties, indemnities or be held liable for any loss of profit, special, indirect or consequential loss or damage.

(b) TSMP do not accept any liability whatsoever for any defects, restrictions, covenants or any other factors which may affect the suitability of any property being purchased or rented.

(c) Our entire liability to you (except in relation to death or personal injury) shall be capped at the amount of fees that you have paid to us for the specific project in question.

8.Termination Of The Agreement

Our obligations to you will naturally end once the agreed services have been paid for and completed in accordance with our quotation for services.

9.Data Use

Acceptance of our quote gives permission for TSMP to use and share your details to enable us to provide you with the services agreed. You may request details of the data we hold on you or ask for it to be removed from our system at any time by emailing dpo@agm.group All personal data is held by TSMP in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in the GDPR regulations 2018.