Very helpful & courteous

I had no prior knowledge of this incomparable service until informed of it by Barbara Przydatek (Village Advisor at Richmond Village). It is, quite simply, transformative, turning a late-life move involving downsizing and de-cluttering into a manageable, even enjoyable, experience. Michelle Garwood has a sympathetic and uniquely equable temperament and delivers every time., able to deal with difficulties to the point where they present 'no problems'. She has an extraordinary capacity for remembering minute detail, as well as access to a comprehensive range of nation-wide contacts able to deal with the most apparently intractable situations, both national and international. She never avoids a difficult problem but will work at it until she has found a way to undertake its solution, constantly taxing herself to go the extra mile to help and following up where necessary. This is a little-known service, and a very special person, deserving the widest publicity and support.

Deborah Lavin


Excellent service